Huntington Connects
Showing 1-2 results of 2 articles matching "winter-break"
3 Tips for Getting Back on Track After the Holidays
Are you and your child having a hard time getting back into the swing of things after the holiday break? You’re not alone! The week following the winter holidays is one of the most challenging times of the year for families of kids with ADHD. The excitement and intensity of the holidays, the delicious treats, late bedtimes and lazy mornings, and extra screen time sets kids up for a difficult adjustment when they return to school. For kids with ADHD, their symptoms often seem to be at their worst this week, and many will be more argumentative and oppositional than usual. As a parent, you’re undoubtedly having a difficult time getting back into your own routine, and have less energy available to deal with your child’s challenges.
Staying on Track During the Holidays
It’s December and your family has finally settled into the rhythm of the school-year. Homework time is firm, and work is getting done (most nights). Your child is getting to bed at a reasonable time, and waking up without too much difficulty in the morning. Finally! But just when you and your child have hit your stride, the winter holidays come around and you start to worry that the time off from school will send you and your child back to square one.