Huntington Connects
Showing 1-4 results of 4 articles matching "test"
ACT Changes that May be Good News for High School Students with ADHD
Standardized tests like the ACT can be extremely challenging for students with ADHD. Changes to the ACT, coming in September 2020, may help students with ADHD better manage some of these test-taking challenges. Find out what these new changes will be here.
Is Extended Time on Tests Helpful for Kids with ADHD?
When kids and teens with ADHD qualify for accommodations at school, either through and IEP or 504 Plan, extended time on exams is often one of the academic accommodations provided. Is this as beneficial as we think?
Stressed about Finals? Try Adding Pre-Exam Music to Your Study Plan
With final exams quickly approaching, now is the time to put together a rock-solid test-taking plan that will help you reach your full potential this year. All of the usual final exam advice still holds true: study hard, get a good night’s sleep, eat a high protein breakfast, and keep your stress levels down by making time for exercise and time with friends. This year, consider also adding some inspiring pre-exam music to your finals plan to help take your exam performance to the next level.
Making the Most of the August SAT with ADHD
This year for the first time the College Board will be offering an SAT test date over the summer. The August SAT presents a very appealing option for teens with ADHD who feel too busy or overwhelmed during the school year to tackle SAT test prep. In addition, the August SAT gives seniors the opportunity to take the test twice, once in August and once in October, before having to shift gears and focus on writing college application. For juniors, taking the SAT in August can alleviate some of pressure they will fell during what is typically the most academically rigorous year of high school.